Are you interested in getting more local foods into school meals? Perhaps your district or site has been participating in an annual local food event, such as an apple crunch. Maybe your cafeterias are currently serving local products and don’t even know it! Wherever you are in your local procurement journey, this session, Local Procurement 1.0, will help you understand how to take the first steps towards making local foods a regular part of your meal program. During this session, we will unpack the basics of local procurement by explaining how to define local, describing how to source local products through micro and small purchase methods, and providing examples of entry level activities that will help introduce these new and exciting foods to students. This session is not just for Child Nutrition staff but also for nonprofit organizations, producers, State agencies, or other organizations looking to advance local procurement in your communities.
3405 Lenox Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326
United States