Full Name
Engineer Lorena Terrizzano
Job Title
National Director - National Institute of Medical Devices (INPM)
National Institute of Medical Devices (INPM) - ANMAT
Speaker Bio
Lorena Terrizzano is the National Director of the National Institute of Medical Devices (INPM) - ANMAT. She earned a degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Technological University of Argentina.
She has developed her career at the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Devices (ANMAT), where she served as the Head of the Training and Research Coordination Office until last May. Among her main achievements was the establishment and coordination of the Regulatory Assistance Program for the Research and Development of Health Products.
Since June, she has directed the INPM, one of ANMAT’s key pillars, with a strong sense of responsibility and commitment.
Lorena Terrizzano