Full Name
Augusto Geyer
Job Title
Regulatory Specialist, Office of Medical Devices
Speaker Bio
Augusto Geyer holds a Pharmacy Degree, a specialization in Sanitary Law, and a Master’s Degree in Materials Science and Engineering.
Currently, he serves in the International Affairs Office at the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA). Previously, he held the position of Head of the Medical Devices Office, where he led strategic initiatives to enhance the regulatory framework for medical devices in Brazil. He has also served as Senior Advisor and Deputy General Manager of the Medical Devices Office and as Manager at the Office of In Vitro Diagnostics, contributing to the development and implementation of policies to ensure the safety and efficacy of medical devices. Since his enrollment at ANVISA, in 2005, he has consistently represented the agency in various international technical working groups and committees. His efforts have been instrumental in aligning Brazil's regulatory practices with global standards and facilitating international cooperation.
Augusto Geyer