The ICARE (Interagency Collaborative Animal Research Education) Project invites you to join us for ICARE Dialogues: Optimizing Animal Care and Use Program Success in a Changing Environment (ICARE Dialogues).


ICARE DIALOGUES will be offered at NO CHARGE.  Each session will address specific topics, as described in the table below. Participants may register for one, two or all three sessions, if they have not participated in those topic(s) previously. (If you have participated in one but not another topic offered, you may register for that session). Although free, attendance is required of the registered participants.  The program format is dialogue, not lecture. Modules and group work are not included in this program.

Those who care for biomedical research animals have the responsibility of providing support to scientists and exemplary care to the animals that depend upon us. To support IACUC members and staff and animal care and use program personnel, the ICARE faculty offers a new online program, ICARE Dialogues: Optimizing Animal Care and Use Program Success in a Changing Environment. The program will provide institutional animal care and use program personnel the opportunity to discuss the following topics:

The ICARE Dialogues will be offered once per day

  •   1:00 PM  -  4:00 PM Eastern

Which translates to:

  • 12:00 PM  -  3:00 PM Central
  • 11:00 AM  -  2:00 PM Mountain
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific





All sessions will include closed captioning.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020   until 3:00 PM EDT

  • Impact of Diversity, Inclusivity, and Race Relations on ACUPs and Personnel

Thursday, Nov 12, 2020

  • Contingency/Disaster Planning: Incorporating Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Pandemic

Wednesday, Nov 18, 2020

  • Contingency/Disaster Planning: Incorporating Lessons Learned from COVID-19 Pandemic


Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020

  • Using Flexibility Provided in the PHS Policy and AWAR
  • Optimizing Animal Welfare During the Pandemic Crisis

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

  • Impact of Diversity, Inclusivity, and Race Relations on ACUPs and Personnel

Thursday, August 20, 2020

  • Integrating Covid-19 Restrictions into Existing Policies and Programs
  • Managing Teams Across Multiple Locations

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

  • Using Flexibility Provided in the PHS Policy and AWAR
  • Integrating COVID Restrictions into Existing Policies and Programs

Thursday, September 10, 2020

until 3:30 PM EDT

  • Impact of Diversity, Inclusivity, and Race Relations on Animal Care and Use Programs and Personnel

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

  • Optimizing Performance During  Pandemic Crisis: Animal Welfare
  • Optimizing Performance During Pandemic Crisis: Managing Teams Across Multiple Locations

Thursday, October 1, 2020

  • Using Flexibility Provided in the PHS Policy and AWAR
  • Optimizing Performance During the Pandemic Crisis: Animal Welfare

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

  • Optimizing Performance During the Pandemic Crisis: Managing Teams Across Multiple Locations and Circumstances
  • Integrating COVID Restrictions Into Existing Policies and Programs

The animal care and use community is encouraged to submit questions, challenges, solutions, and ideas to [email protected] to influence the topics addressed in ICARE Dialogues.  If warranted by community interest, repeat of the initial topics and/or presentation of additional topics will be offered.


The goal of the ICARE Project is to improve animal welfare while reducing regulatory burden and improving compliance with federal standards. To reach that goal, the ICARE faculty have developed and offered workshops since 2016.


IACUC members and Institutional personnel involved in animal care and use programs (veterinarians, compliance, PAM, trainers, investigators, administrators) may register to participate in ICARE Dialogues.

  • Registration is FREE and limited to 50 participants per session; there is no fee for participating in ICARE Dialogues.
  • If more than 50 people register, ICARE will maintain a waitlist; more session(s) will be offered if demand is sufficient.
  • Participants may register for one, two or all three sessions, if they have not participated in those topic(s) previously. (If you have participated in one but not another topic offered, you may register for that session.)



(1) attend session(s) for which you register.

(2) provide demographics and feedback.

  • If you register and do not attend, you will deprive a colleague of the opportunity to participate. If your plans change, please inform us ASAP (not later than 48 hours in advance is requested) at [email protected] or 214-282-6780 so that we may offer your space to a waitlisted colleague.  Other participants from your INSTITUTION may be denied the opportunity to register for future ICARE Project offerings if, as a registered participant, you do not cancel in advance of your absence.
  • Please partner with us by providing demographic information at registration and feedback through a pre and post session survey. Your demographics and feedback will enable us to design more targeted and effective programs to better serve your needs.


  • There will be a short introduction to each topic by ICARE faculty.
  • Participants and ICARE faculty will engage in dialogue on each topic.
  • Questions on each topic may be submitted in advance to [email protected].


ICARE will be flexible in our offerings, with the priority to meet the needs of the community we serve in this rapidly changing environment.

  • If useful to the community, ICARE will continue ICARE Dialogues for the foreseeable future. 
  • Please share your ideas for ICARE Dialogues topics with ICARE at [email protected].  We are seeking topics that will help you ensure animal welfare, maintain compliance with federal standards, minimize regulatory burden, and maintain the health of humans and animals in your animal care and use programs.
The Interagency Collaborative Animal Research Education (ICARE) Project
https://olaw.nih.gov/education/icare-interagency aims to empower IACUCs and their institutions to improve animal welfare and thus increase the quality of data collected, and increase compliance with federal standards while minimizing regulatory burden.